About International Virtual Courses (IVC)

One of the missions of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is to become a World Class University (WCU). Central to the achievement of the mission is to create and maintain an international academic atmosphere. The School of Pharmacy contributes to the effort by organizing annual summer school programs which are open to local and foreign students, involving lecturers from overseas institutions.
The summer school program is expected to contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practices through sharing of knowledge and experiences, and to promote cultural exchange among the participants. Due to the present situation, the summer school will be offered as an online lecture series, namely International Virtual Course.
This year, the School of Pharmacy offers three different virtual courses with the following topics:

  • Cosmetic Development
  • Sport Science
  • Future of Halal Sector

Course certificate and credit earning will be awarded to participants who attend 80 % of the course sessions and complete the exam.

Detail information on credit earnings can be found here : ec europa or ITB policy

Current approach in cosmetic development: from basic molecular to advanced technology

This IVC aims to provide insight into the development of cosmetic products based on fundamental molecular mechanisms and advanced formulation technology. The course covers the molecular basis for the rationale development of cosmetic products, advanced technology in cosmetic products, and global trends in cosmetic products testing. Participant could earn 2 course credits by completing this course.

Application Deadline: August 10, 2022

Let's meet our lecturers

Student with any background that is related to the course for both Indonesian and International students

Professional (academia, industry, government, etc) with any background are also welcomed to apply.

  1. Student Card ID / Personal ID card / employment ID card
  2. Academic transcript (mandatory for Indonesian Student)
  3. Passport Photo
  4. Motivation Letter

August 11 to August 30th, 2022 

Free for students (undergraduate, postgraduate or pharmacist professional degree program). ITB students need to pay IDR 200,000 deposit that will be refunded after passing the course

IDR 2,000,000 for professionals (academia, industry, government, etc)

Dr. apt. Satrialdi (contact no. +62819-01988-890)

Health & Performance Sport Science: Physiological Perspective

International Virtual Courses (IVC) is Bandung Institute of Technology’s annual event. In this year, the topic is "Health & Performance Sport Science: Physiological Perspective" and the purpose is to share the knowledge and the progress of this issue from the other countries. The main event will start from 1st September- 30th November 2022. There will be 10 meetings, and one meeting will be held for 120 minutes. IVC participants will get 2 credits of exercise physiology course credit. We have 5 lecturers who have expertise in physiology and biomechanics from various countries. In addition, some of our lecturers have backgrounds as practitioners in the fields of football and badminton which are the hallmark of Indonesian sports achievements.

Application Deadline : 31 August 2022

Let's meet our lecturers

Student with any background that is related to the course for both Indonesian and International students

Professional (academia, industry, government, etc) with any background are also welcomed to apply.

  1. Student Card ID / Personal ID card / employment ID card
  2. Academic transcript (mandatory for Indonesian Student)
  3. Passport Photo
  4. Motivation Letter

September 1 to November 30th, 2022 

Free for students (undergraduate, postgraduate or pharmacist professional degree program). ITB students need to pay IDR 200,000 deposit that will be refunded after passing the course

IDR 2,000,000 for professionals (academia, industry, government, etc)

(+62)81220970769 / fahmi@fa.itb.ac.id 

Future of Halal Sector : Challenges and Opportunities

Halalan Tayyiban is a requirement on products for Muslims’ consumption. The global halal sector has shown significant development resulting in an increasing need for halal-certified products. Therefore, the provision of halal products offers many economic opportunities as well as challenges. This International Virtual Course (IVC) will take the participants to understand the concept of halal in sharia perspective, halal ecosystem, halal certification system, factors that influence the preferences and behaviour of Muslims in choosing halal products, and the strategic approach to optimize opportunities and overcome challenges in the development of the halal sector. This IVC is organized by School of Pharmacy ITB in collaboration with ITB Halal Study Center.

Application Deadline : 15 September 2022

Let's meet our lecturers

Student with any background that is related to the course for both Indonesian and International students

Professional (academia, industry, government, etc) with any background are also welcomed to apply.

  1. Student Card ID / Personal ID card / employment ID card
  2. Academic transcript (mandatory for Indonesian Student)
  3. Passport Photo
  4. Motivation Letter

October 06 – November 11, 2022

Free for students (undergraduate, postgraduate or pharmacist professional degree program). ITB students need to pay IDR 200,000 deposit that will be refunded after passing the course

IDR 2,000,000 for professionals (academia, industry, government, etc)

email : IVCHalal@fa.itb.ac.id

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