About International Virtual Courses

One of the missions of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is to become a World Class University (WCU). Central to the achievement of the mission is to create and maintain an international academic atmosphere. The School of Pharmacy contributes to the effort by organizing annual summer school programs which are open to local and foreign students, involving lecturers from overseas institutions.
The summer school program is expected to contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practices through sharing of knowledge and experiences, and to promote cultural exchange among the participants. Due to the present situation, the summer school will be offered as an online lecture series, namely International Virtual Course.
This year, the School of Pharmacy offers three different virtual courses with the following topics:

  • Vaccine Development
  • Marine Natural Product
  • Digital Pharmacy in Health

Summer School Virtual Course 2020

Selected Students

Course certificate and credit earning will be awarded to participants who attend 80 % of the course sessions and complete the exam.

Detail information on credit earnings can be found here : ec europa or ITB policy

home vacine

The International Virtual Course will be held for 10 days, comprising interactive lectures and problem-based learning (PBL). Vaccine will be comprehensively discussed, starting with the basics: immune system and vaccine mechanism of action. Further, the production, formulation, and the manufacturing process of vaccines in the industry will also be studied, along with the updates in vaccine development. One important aspect that caught the attention of public, its halal issue, will also be a part of the explanation. The lectures will be given not only by lecturers experienced in the pharmaceutical biotechnology and vaccine development, but also personnel from the related industry and association

Application Deadline : 23 June 2021

Let's meet our lecturers

Student with any background that is related to the course for both Indonesian and International students

Professional (academia, industry, government, etc) with any background are also welcomed to apply.

  1. Student Card ID / Personal ID card / employment ID card
  2. Academic transcript (mandatory for Indonesian Student)
  3. Passport Photo
  4. Motivation Letter

28 June – 9 July 2021

Free for students (undergraduate, postgraduate or pharmacist professional degree program)

IDR 2,000,000 for professionals (academia, industry, government, etc)


header MNP

From biosynthesis to industrial applications, this International Virtual Course covers all aspect of the topics about Marine Natural Products (MNP). We will explore Marine Natural Product from every point of view, introduction on MNP, prospect for drug developments and other health purposes, industrial application of MNP, isolation, biosynthesis, pharmacological activities of MNP from marine organisms such as microalgae, seaweeds and invertebrates. This course is open for undergraduate and postgraduate students, also for public and industry who is highly interested in MNP. Through taught sessions from eminent keynote speakers from ITB, UGM, LIPI, Osaka University and Hokkaido University, participants develop the knowledge to succeed academically and practically in the field of Marine Natural Product.

Application Deadline : 2nd July 2021

Let's meet our lectures

Student with any background that is related to the course for both Indonesian and International students

Professional (academia, industry, government, etc) with any background are also welcomed to apply.

  1. Student Card ID / Personal ID card / employment ID card
  2. Academic transcript (mandatory for Indonesian Student)
  3. Passport Photo
  4. Motivation Letter

6 July – 24 August 2021

Free for students (undergraduate, postgraduate or pharmacist professional degree program)

IDR 2,000,000 for professionals (academia, industry, government, etc)


home dgital

The Digital Pharmacy in Health Service course aims at providing students with knowledge on recent applications of digital technology in healthcare, particularly in the field of pharmaceutical care. The course will cover the following topics (1) current application of digital technology in various pharmaceutical fields, including pharmacotherapy, hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, and pharmaceutical regulation; (2) artificial intelligence in healthcare and pharmacy; (3) relevant knowledge and skills required in the digital pharmacy era; (4) future development in digital pharmacy. In this 10-meetings course, students will experience interactive learning from international and local experts in the field

Application Deadline : 2nd July 2021

Meet our speakers

Indonesian and International students with any educational backgrounds relevant to the course

Professionals (academia, industry, government, etc.) from all backgrounds are also welcomed to apply.

  1. Student Card ID / Personal ID card / employment ID card
  2. Academic transcript (mandatory for Indonesian Student)
  3. Passport Photo
  4. Motivation Letter

7-22 July 2021

Free for students (undergraduate, postgraduate or pharmacist professional degree program)

IDR 2,000,000 for professionals (academia, industry, government, etc)


*to be annouced

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